Reading App Wireframe

UX Design
Project Overview
This project is the wireframe of an app I consider the dream reading app. I often use my phone to read, so I am attentive to these apps. I also made this as a revision of an app redesign I did a while ago. However, this time, instead of focusing on collections, I focused on a feature that is lacking in traditional reading apps.

My cousin and I have an unofficial book club. We love sharing books and comments on those with each other, but we live on different continents. A “solution” we naturally found (after many years of sharing screenshots of sections with each other, resulting in occasional spoilers) is to share the same Kindle account. This solution lets us see each other’s highlighted quotes and annotations. This solution came with a few issues. The main one is revisiting books occasionally; we often can’t tell who wrote what. I always try using a pink highlighter because my cousin uses yellow. However, it doesn’t work for my cousin as she uses her kindle, which is B&W. We always try to put our initials after each annotation, but in the heat of the moment, we would both forget to do it. 

Here is my dream solution. Create a system where you can share a book with a small group of people, where they all have their handles and can have clear discussions in a comment section. The home page is straight to the point, making the reading experience even faster. I would love to see this app come to life one day. For now, here’s its wireframe.