Espectro Invisível

Communication Design
Project Overview
In the last project for my bachelor's, we were required to work in a group of 3-4 peers to complete a project on "alter-realities." It was a vast theme. Nonetheless, we had time restrictions and were required to create something physical and online. I ended up in a previously formed group that was looking for a fourth member. I was very fortunate as they were hardworking and highly organized, and we got along great. When I got into the group, they had already chosen a topic on schizophrenia. I initially hesitated about the theme, knowing very little about this condition. After familiarizing myself with schizophrenia, I saw its importance and quickly came on board with it.
Schizophrenia is a taboo topic in our society. There are significant misconceptions about living with this disorder brought to us by the media. The symptoms of schizophrenia generally start in the mid to late 20s. No known gene causes it; however, people with relatives with it are at a higher risk of developing it. It can also develop from severe trauma. Another vital factor to be aware of is that people with schizophrenia aren't innately dangerous or violent. They are more likely to harm themselves than anyone else. Suicide rates for people with this disorder are incredibly high. We made it our mission to bring a new light into this dark topic to the general public. We wanted to share the knowledge we acquired while doing this project, focusing on the importance of rehabilitation programs.
We put up posters all through downtown Porto. These had a short description of our project and a QR code that brought the viewer to our Instagram account. The project was shown more in-depth, along with a link to our website with photos, videos of interviews, and a text made by Carina Teixeira (MSc, Ph.D.). The text details what schizophrenia is and the benefits of rehabilitation programs.
Espectro Invisível Instagram
Espectro Invisível Website
Project Credit
Project by
Bárbara Morais
Beatriz Guedes
Débora Aguiar
Luísa Cruz Marques  

João Castro
João Martino
João Tiago
José Bártolo
Maria João Baltazar
Margarida Azevedo
Miguel Salazar
Rafael Gonçalves
Susana Fernando  

External Consultants
Carinha Teixeira
Tiago Aguiar  

Hospital de Magalhães Lemos
José João Silva (Enfermeiro Chefe Serviço de Reabilitação)
Madalena Amaral (Monitora Sala de Lavores)
Paula Amaro (Professora Sala de Cerâmica)
Jorge Pelicano (Realizador)  

Text by
Carina Teixeira
Utentes Hospital de Magalhães Lemos    Font Type
Source Serif 4 Display (Designed by Frank Grießhammer from Adobe Originals, 2021)
Source Serif Pro (Designed by Frank Grießhammer from Adobe Originals, 2014)
Roboto Mono (Designed by Christian Robertson from Principal Design, 2015)
